I'm pretty sure we were Skyping with one of our sets of parents when I took this, but I'm not quite sure which. Anyways, Grace just wants so bad to use the laptop like Mama and Daddy, and she loves beating on the keys if we ever let her get too close.
It's been a fun few weeks; last Saturday we took Grace to a local farm and picked our own salad makings. I'd never seen lettuce growing in the ground before, and it looked suprisingly silly to see a full head of lettuce just sticking up out of the dirt. I'd never much thought of it before, but I'm significantly more accustomed to seeing produce at Safeway than I am in the ground.
Sunday was Caleb's first full Father's Day. We celebrated last year, but somehow it wasn't quite the same with the babe in utero. Grace fingerpainted for her Daddy, and loved playing with tissue paper.
Learning to be parents has been a wonderful adventure, and I couldn't have picked a better man to take it with. One of my greatest joys is hearing Grace's squeals of laughter as she plays with her Daddy. I've heard that dads generally make better playmates to their babies than moms do, and I totally agree. Nobody can make Grace laugh like her Daddy can. :-)