2:30 am - Up with Andrew for half an hour, nursing, changing his diaper, and then swaddling and giving him his pacifier till he's back asleep in the crib.
3:00 am - Mama back to bed.
5:50 am - Up and nurse, change his diaper again, and feel something wet and warm all over my hand. Change his outfit, swaddle and put back in his crib.
6:25 am - Andrew's still fussing, and I'm pretty tired so hand off to Caleb.
7:00 am - Andrew's asleep, and Caleb's up for the day while I'm back to bed for a couple more hours.
9:00 am - I wake up and feel quite rested for a change. Andrew just woke up too, and Caleb brings him upstairs. I nurse him in our bed and read my Bible and Andrew dozes on and off.
9:50 am - Run for the shower while Andrew dozes on our bed, and Grace is still content in her bed.
10:20 am - Andrew's still asleep, so get Grace up and dressed. We head downstairs and play for awhile. I'm hoping to make some pumpkin Swedish Spritz cookies to take to our neighbors, but realize the cookie press hasn't been unpacked yet. Spend awhile looking for it while fixing breakfast for me and Grace.
11:00 am - Nurse Andrew 10 minutes while Grace finishes her breakfast. Clean her up, and Caleb searches for the cookie press. He finds it and has Grace bring it to me. Thus throughout the day, she referred to it as a "big present".
11:15 am - Play in playroom; I try putting Andrew on his playmat, but he's a bit fussy. He has a few minutes of tummy time, then I sit and hold him while watching Grace play. She's been putting her headband on her monkey, and then running her little car down the spiral ramp we got for free out of someone's garage. While I was trying to clean up some of our breakfast mess, she found her flashcards and dumped them all over the floor, and then took apart the box. After which she found the tape dispenser, and pulled off a long piece, until I noticed what she was doing and cut it off for her. She then spent quite a few minutes making bandages for her fingers with her piece of tape.
11:50 am - Nursed Andrew a bit more as he was seeming fussy still and a bit hungry. Grace was getting ready to change one of her doll's diapers, but instead start pressing on her chest, looking rather like she was doing the heimlech maneuver. When I asked her about it, she said something about stickers in her mouth, and brought her doll over to me to fish them out. Sure enough, the doll has a hole for a mouth so she blows air when you press on her tummy, and two little stickers where wedged down in there.
12:00 pm - Finish nursing Andrew and put him in the pack 'n play so I can fish stickers out of a doll's mouth.
12:10 pm - Go check on Andrew in the playroom, and notice that Grace is using the hand towel out of the bathroom as a dolly blanket. Andrew's looking awfully sleepy, but I realize he can't sleep very well in the pack 'n play with Grace playing in the playroom, so carry him upstairs and put him down in his crib. Rub his forehead for a few minutes while he sleepily sucks on his pacifier, and he looks to be well on his way out. I spend a few minutes rinsing the poop out of his pajamas from a diaper blow-out last night, gather up the laundry and take it downstairs to put on a load, and notice that there's enough for at least two loads now. Grace comes in the laundry room talking about "helping Mommy", and I realize she's got the "We Help Mommy" book and another Little Golden Book she picked out to read. I make a quick trip to the bathroom and regret the lack of a hand towel.
12:20 pm - I decide to ignore the messes (though I do get Grace to help me pick up the flashcards all over the floor), and read books with Gracie. First though, she wants help putting on her pink raincoat that Daddy found in the boxes he opened this morning. I get the zipper started, and she pulls it up the rest of the way. Then I sit down on the couch, and pull her up with me, but she scrambles across my lap and lays down like I hold Andrew. So I snuggle her and we read a couple books. One of them is a "what will I be when I grow up" sort of book, and when we reached the firefighter page, Grace told me she was going to be a firefighter when she grows up, but she needs a pink hat. And a kitten.
12:40 pm - Grace and I mix up some cookie dough to make some pumpkin Swedish Spritz cookies. She sits on the counter and helps dump in the flour and baking powder. Definitely makes things a bit messier, but she's so excited to help, it's worth it.
1:00 pm - I run to the bathroom, re-discover the missing hand towel and reclaim it from the playroom. I put Grace in her highchair, and heat up some leftover split-pea soup for her, Daddy and me. Eat mine in between baking a couple batches of our pumpkin cookies. Clean up Grace and scoop the split-pea soup out of her bib. Take Daddy his soup. Eat Grace's leftover soup.
1:45 pm - Put Grace down for her nap. Andrew's wide awake, so take him downstairs.
2:20 pm - Nurse for 20 minutes while checking email.
2:40 pm - Put Andrew in the swing so I can finish baking the cookies and start cleaning up.
3:15 pm - Change Andrew's diaper and get him dressed and ready to run some errands with Mama.
5:00 pm - Arrive back home. Andrew's awake, and Grace is happily playing in her bed, so I take him upstairs and get Gracie up. I nurse Andrew on her big girl bed while Grace lines up all her toybins on the foot of the bed and carefully fills the "carseats" with her dolls and stuffed animals. And then the whole lot of us headed for the library, where Grace got a Goldbug book for us to read. And then she and Andrew had some tummy time together on her bed.
5:50 pm - Caleb finishes work and plays with Grace awhile while I take care of Andrew who's getting a bit fussy.
6:00 pm - Change Andrew's diaper and nurse him for another 15 minutes or so. Naturally, he poops again, so I change his diaper again, while Caleb plays with Grace. Pastor Lovell stops by to pick up another load of boxes, and our living room suddenly looks twice as big.
6:40 pm - Loaded up the kids in our new double stroller (new for us, anyways), and headed down to the Fiesta for dinner and some grocery shopping. Andrew's asleep by the time we get there. While I'm checking out, Caleb and Grace get ice cream for us to split. When Grace realized she couldn't hold the cup herself, she got pretty upset. I couldn't blame her - who wants to be babyfed ice cream? So Caleb ran back and got a second cup that he cut down to size for her. Caleb good-naturedly pushed the stroller so I could eat ice cream on the walk home (and "baby-feed" him a few bites!).
9:00 pm - Caleb's washing Grace up while I'm working on the kitchen and moving along the laundry. Andrew's still in his carseat (it fits in the stroller) and just waking up. And I'm pooped! I'm not sure I've sat down today for more than 5 minutes other than dinner and driving errands earlier.
9:10 pm - Andrew's back asleep in his carseat, so I head upstairs and join Caleb and Grace. When Grace sees me, she moves over on her big girl bed and pats the spot next to her for Mommy to lay down. While Caleb reads her a Bible story, Grace alternates between snuggling between us to climbing all over Mommy, but she was so sweet and snuggly, I didn't mind a bit. At one point, she patted me and said "Grace's mommy, not Grandma's mommy". I take over with Grace so Caleb can finish some things with work, and we have a really enjoyable time reading our three books, then taking an unfruitful trip to the potty. Afterwards, I laid her in her pack 'n play, tucked her in, and sang a verse of "All Creatures". While saying goodnight at the door, she asked for a kiss on her cheek, and then wanted a hug - how could a Mommy resist?
9:50 pm - Grace is resting, and Andrew's still asleep. Oops - I'm probably going to regret leaving him there in about two hours. I've got the cookie press still soaking in the sink, laundry in the basket upstairs to fold, laundry in the dryer, laundry in the washer, and a mess in the playroom, but I think at this point, it's all going to wait till tomorrow. It's been an exhausting, yet enjoyable day. Thank you, God, for two beautiful children and a wonderful husband!