Sunday, January 31, 2010

The Joys of Motherhood

I've been sick all week, and haven't been able to read or sing to Grace as talking very much sets off my cough, but this morning I woke up from a nap to hear Grace knocking at our door. I'd opened the door and squatted down to talk to her, and she ran in and started to sit in my lap, but then changed her mind and ran off again. About twenty seconds later she was back with a rather large alphabet picture book and plopped down to read with Mama. It's nice to know you're missed!

Monday, January 25, 2010

Gracie and her Babies

This is how she's gone to sleep every night since we got back from Christmas. Until this past week... but you'll have to wait for a new photo of that one. :-)

And it can never be just one baby. It's "bay-beee bay-bee" over and over till she has her armful.
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