I can't believe Grace is nearing four months already; it's gone so quick! And I realized it's been way too long since I've posted here. Somehow the days just seem to fly by between diaper changings and nursing and laundry and napping and grocery shopping and everything else. Grace and I'll be heading out in a few minutes to pick up Caleb (Daddy!) to go to our Community Group tonight, but I wanted to make a quick catch up post before I forget her newest milestones.
Two weeks ago, Grace finally started sleeping in her crib. Always before she'd wake up as soon as I lay her down anywhere, so she'd been sleeping with us. I think Nov 16 was the first evening we left her in her crib, and I when I went in to check on her she'd fallen asleep. Mommy cried. Her little baby was growing up! And then her baby woke up an hour later. But from then on, Grace has been napping in her crib semi-regularly as well as the swing and carseat.
And then two days before Thanksgiving, I broke out with hives again and had to take Benadryl around the clock which made Mommy really drowsy, so we had to make a sudden transition to the crib. Fortunately, the next day we got a package with a new mobile for her crib from the Rays, and from then on she's been sleeping (mostly!) in her crib. It was amazing how good it felt to be able to toss and turn any time I wanted to all night long. :-)
And just two days ago, Grace slept a straight 9 and a half hours. Unfortunately, I was so blown away by this development, that I still got up every two hours all night long to make sure she was alright. Moms can be rather foolish when it comes to their babies. :)