Thursday, September 25, 2008

1 Month Checkup!

So a little belated, but it's hard to find time to write as much as I'd like. But last Friday I took Grace in for her one month checkup, and her doctor said she's looking great! She was up to 9 lb 14 oz, and 21.5 inches; she's gained a little over an ounce a day, which she said is right on target. That's our Gracie! :-) She has seemed to develop a strong preference for turning her head to the right though, so we're working on teaching her that the left side is just as entertaining. She also got her second Hep B shot, and screamed briefly, but quieted down quickly with a little nursing.

1 comment:

Lita & Lito said...

S'pose she's over 10 lbs. now ?

That's my girl !!!! Start doing curls with her, Caleb!-O