Monday, August 4, 2008

Baby Weight Predictions

We were Skyping with Mom and Dad Bell about three weeks ago and guessed what Grace's birth weight would be. Mom and Dad Cherry decided to get in on the action tonight:
  • Mom Bell: 6lbs 8oz
  • Dad Bell: 7lbs 2oz
  • Caleb: 6lbs 6oz
  • Laura: 7lbs 0oz
  • Mom Cherry: 7lbs 6oz
  • Dad Cherry: 7lbs 3oz
To be fair, the Cherry's have a bit of an advantage, since the most recent ultrasound at the time said only 6lbs. What's your guess? If you're the closest, you get... the honor of being the closest!


Anonymous said...

I'm gonna break the trend here and say 8 lbs, 3 oz. 19 1/2 inches long. And yes, I *did* just pull those numbers out of thin air. :)

Unknown said...

Laura never told us the ultrasound weight prediction (or if she did I forgot!). I'm going by how much weight Laura has gained. Mom C.

Mary said...

I'm going with 7lbs, 9oz. I know you are ready for her to get here, but 8/8/08 would be a great birthday! Anyway, we're thinking about you and praying for you!

Auntie Carole said...

she will weigh 7lbs 11oz and will be the prettiest little girl ever born, well maybe except for Laura & Jenny.
Love, Auntie Carole

Hello Hot Springs said...

6 lbs 9 oz

Lita & Lito said...

Anybody know what the point of this "Word Verification" thing is ??

Jhelaire said...

Well I was tempted to guess a large number, just for the sake of expecting a large baby and being relieved when she's smaller....smaller does = less pain right? anyways, wild guess here...7 lbs 3oz.

Anonymous said...

yThe word verification is so that spammers can't just set up their computers to hack into blogs and leave comments advertising for their sites. Theory being that it takes an actual human to decode the letters in the picture and type them in.

Jennifer - from what I've heard it's the head circumference that *really* matters - fat is squishy. :) (Not like I have any actual experience with this as of yet.)

Lita & Lito said...

Thanx, leigh (and to the other 7910 of you; no thanx). Makes sense. I'm sticking with 7' 2" & that's not length !! If I was there, could make sure she was eating lotsa heavy, long food [like spaghetti alfredo, ha :-O ]for my G-daughter ! But, I can't sowell. BTW this is Caleb's Dad, David Bell