Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Life at 4am

For the third or forth night in a room, Caleb and I are up again at 4 in the morning. He's been wonderful at helping out with these night-time wakings - it's really hard calming a crying baby when you haven't quite gotten two hours of sleep yet.

Grace has really been struggling with acid reflux this week, and her naps are down to about 5 minutes at a time, unless she's in the carseat. So the last couple days, Grace and I've been sight-seeing the Eastside. We're all pretty exhausted though, so if you have any suggestions, we'd love to hear them!



Thainamu said...

Wow, that's rough. Do you have any idea why the baby has acid reflux? Citrus can cause that in adults (makes the valve at the top of the stomach not shut down properly), but she's probably not drinking loads of grapefruit juice!

May God give you all peace, and some sleep!

Matthew Rodatus said...

Do you let her drink water yet? Adeline really struggled with acid reflux awhile back, and we let her have some water (poured it into her mouth with a straw). Even though the doctor may not recommend it that early, we found that it seemed to help. Usually we gave her some water, and let her play with toys a little (to take her mind off it), and eventually she calmed down.

Matthew Rodatus said...

We also sung hymns to her. I think the hymns helped a lot with her acid. Getting her to calm down was almost as important as giving her water, because being upset just exacerbated her reflux. We like singing "Be Thou My Vision," "O the Deep Deep Love of Jesus," the Doxology, "My Hope Is Built On Nothing Less," "A Mighty Fortress Is Our God," etc. It really calms her down.

Caleb and Laura said...

Thanks for the suggestions! We're not sure yet why she has it, but I'm wondering if it could be something in my diet.

We'll have to try the water thing, she loves her little sippy cup, but she doesn't get much water out of it yet, and she's not quite sure what to do when she does. :)

Do you give Adeline water when it wakes her up at night? Or just during the day?

But yeah, it definitely gets worse when she's upset, and we spend a LOT of time singing old hymns to her. Her favorite is Oh Worship the King, which Caleb and I were learning soon before she was born, and when all else fails, that song usually calms her down.