Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Thank God for Grandmas!

My mom just flew back home this afternoon after staying a week, and it was so wonderful having an extra set of hands around! Ok, and I admit it - I still enjoy being babied too. :-D We were having some sleepless nights, and she was great about changing diapers at 4 in the morning and sending me back to bed. Most of the time though Grace won't have anyone but her Mommy in the middle of the night, and she'll just scream if somebody else tries to pick her up. During the day she's a very happy baby, but I think her little brain's working overtime right now to process all the new things she's learning.

Now Caleb, Grace and I are really looking forward to having his Mom and Sarah-Jean up in just a couple more months. And hopefully Grace will be sleeping a little more by then!

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