Monday, November 16, 2009

Unexpected Joys of Motherhood

Fun times from today:
  • Grace brought me her diaper to put back on her. At least she recognizes that it's not supposed to be off now!
  • We're transitioning to one nap a day, so I put her down around 10:30, but when I peeked in to check on her around 11:15, she was just lying in her crib, singing to herself. I'd never heard her do that before, but she was asleep before I could get the baby monitor and camera ready to record her. :-p
  • We had a blast playing on the big bed - rather, Gracie playing while Mama folded clothes. And then we played hide and seek in the pillows, and jumped on the bed until somebody was pooped.
  • We had a slight temper tantrum as Grace wanted to go play outside, but it was raining. I would have taken her actually, but once she fights me for it, I can't. I wonder if this is how we appear to God sometimes when He's waiting for us to stop fighting so He can give us something good?
  • Grace is finally grasping the sign for "more" - I was washing dishes while she was eating her lunch in the kitchen, and once she saw the soap bubbles, she started asking for some ("bah, bah!"). After they'd dissolved (ok, she might have eated them...), she signed for more "bah bah's".
After all this, she was getting tired again, so I just put her back in her crib with a book and had to come post this before I forget. :-)

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