So a little belated, but better late than never! Caleb, Grace and I spent a wonderful two weeks down in Texas with our families, and Grace had a fun time getting to know her grandparents, aunts and uncles. We've discovered we all sleep better now with Grace in her own space outside our room. (Well, Caleb, Grace and I sleep better at least.) She's started playing with her toes, and making raspberries. She came extremely close to rolling over the last evening we spent with the Bells, but she waited till we got back to Seattle before completing the move. A few times now I've found her on her tummy in her crib, just starting to get fussy when she realizes what she's done. She's still not a big fan of tummy-time!
I think in this first photo we were on our way to the Carroll's Christmas party, and I at least thought there was a canny resemblance to Bing Crosby.
Oh how I miss holding our Gracie! Yall's coming home Christmas was the best present her grandma Cherry a I could ever expect. We love you 3 sooo-- much.
Grandpa Cherry
That photo does look like Bing. Just think she could be Bing Cherry-Bell!
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